Create Everyday Workshops
Spend the 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month,
6:30 - 9:00
celebrating CREATIVITY
in the comfort of the home studio of
Jenn Mason
$25 per session

Fall 2009 - Handmade Giving
Winter 2010- Living Creatively
NEW! Kids 4 Session Workshop: Gelatin Show SIGN UP NOW

First Class-Spectacular Students!

Student (and quick study) Karin Weldon made this sublime necklace in last night's class and if you think it's to-die-for in this photo, you should see it in person! For Karin's Blog, Click here!

Fun was had by all and we even got a sneak peek at some of the upcoming classes! (the YuDu Screen printing machine arrived and I just had to show it off).

If you haven't already signed up, make sure you take a moment. The full semester is now $125 or pay by the class at $25.

Next class is Folded and Feathered which is a lovely little folio that is folded out of a sheet of larger decorative paper. We will fill this fine folio with a set of handmade cards featuring vintage collectable "baking soda" bird cards and matching lined envelopes.
This project is the perfect gift for teachers, great aunts, babysitters and everyone in between.
We'll be posting a photo of the project next week!